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Good sleep column by top specialists

Best sleep
Good sleep column by top specialists

Best sleep
Good sleep column by top specialists

Best sleep
Good sleep column by top specialists

Best sleep
Good sleep column by top specialists

Best sleep
Good sleep column by top specialists

Best sleep
Good sleep column by top specialists

Best sleep
Good sleep column by top specialists

Best sleep
Good sleep column by top specialists

Best sleep
Good sleep column by top specialists
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Does drinking coffee keep you from sleeping?
Coffee contains caffeine, which wakes you up, so if you drink it before you go to sleep, you may not be able to fall asleep.
With decaf coffee, which contains almost no caffeine, you can enjoy coffee even before going to bed.
The caffeine content also varies depending on the type of coffee bean.
What is the recommended aroma for restful sleep?
A typical essential oil of the Asteraceae family"Roman Chamomile"or"Helichrysum"Soothes nerves and inflammation caused by stress and tension, and promotes digestive and circulatory function, resulting in detoxification and restful sleep.
It also stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and has a relaxing effect."lavender","Bergamot"is also effective.
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