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Why is it strangely calming when I'm on the train?

"Train Sound Healing" series supervised by a doctor of medicine

Supervised by Dr. Hiroshi Bando, Doctor of Medicine Train music with virtual experience and calm music as if you were on a train

Supervised by Doctor of Medicine, Train Sleep ~ Music to Sleep with the Train Effect


Supervised by a doctor of medicine Train sleep-Music that sleeps with the train effect-

Brain healing

Music that leads the brain to a healing world as if you were on a train

  • Spotifyは - ブラックサークル
  • アマゾン - ブラックサークル
  • YouTubeの - ブラックサークル
  • iTunesの - 黒丸

On the train

Why does sleepiness come when I notice it?

Humans have incorporated the origin of life into their genes since ancient times.

Life was once born in the sea. The kanji is sea = water + every. Plum = tree + every, and it is helpful that plums have grown and connected their lives with fruits that are descendants every year. The baby grows up in the mother's belly, wrapped in sea-like amniotic fluid. At that time, the fetal hearing is already functioning and it seems that it is already listening to the sounds of the outside world.

For example, when you're swimming in a pool, you can hear the surrounding sounds near the surface of the water. This is similar to a foetation in amniotic fluid, and you probably hear the mother's regular heartbeat and blood flow in the amniotic fluid. This old memory has been left in deep psychology for a long time. Therefore, when I hear the sound of the waves crashing on the beach at night, I feel nostalgic for some reason.

In fact, even as an adult, when you get on the train, the sound environment revives the memories you gained during the fetal period. It is thought that remembering the sense of security and comfort makes you feel comfortable and leads to drowsiness. As a reference event, it has been demonstrated that listening to the sound of the mother's heart in a sick child stops crying. It is already being used in childcare settings.

Doctor of Medicine Hiroshi Bando


Supervised by a doctor of medicine Train sleep-Music that sleeps with the train effect-

Brain rest

Music that brings your brain to rest as if you were on a train

  • Spotifyは - ブラックサークル
  • アマゾン - ブラックサークル
  • YouTubeの - ブラックサークル
  • iTunesの - 黒丸

The change in soundscapes and scenery caused by trains

Relax your mind and body.

The earth has wonderful nature and sounds, and humans have music.

The society in which people live has a beautiful landscape and a soundscape.

In this modern society, it can be said that everyone is constantly under all kinds of stress. In such a case, it would be good to take a little break from everyday life and heal the mind and body.

Railroad enthusiasts are familiarly called "railroad geeks", commonly known as "iron geeks". Among them, the taking iron (Toritsu) that takes pictures and the riding iron (Noritsu) that mainly rides are famous, but the sound iron that enjoys the sound of trains, home station information, melodies, announcements, etc. There is also (Ototetsu).

In the sound of trains, rattling noises and vibrations occur as you pass through the rail seams. This moderate stimulus has a soothing effect. Music has been used at various stations. There are airport chimes in Haneda and Shinagawa, "Blue Light Yokohama" in Yokohama, and "Akisakura" at Kurihama Station. If you ask each station nationwide, you will come across a moving song that is associated with various ties. Music is a friend of mine, please make good use of it to keep your mind and body healthy and lead to a happy life.

Doctor of Medicine Hiroshi Bando

Supervised by a doctor of medicine Train sleep-Music that sleeps with the train effect


Supervised by a doctor of medicine Train sleep-Music that sleeps with the train effect-

Healthy sleep

Healthy sleep-Music that invites a healthy sleep as if you were on a train

  • Spotifyは - ブラックサークル
  • アマゾン - ブラックサークル
  • YouTubeの - ブラックサークル
  • iTunesの - 黒丸

When you were little
Did you like to ride a car or train?

Many children love vehicles. Think about why it is. First of all, young children are happy to play while thinking of the image of carrying a train toy by hand. I also like the engine sounds of cars and trains. The sound may be pleasing because it contains more than 20,000 hertz of ultrasound that humans can hear. These stimulate the sight and hearing.

In addition, tactile sensation is involved. For example, if you hit a big drum with a bee and make it sound, the skin on the surface will wiggle. This shakes the air and makes a sound, and at the same time the vibrations are transmitted to your body through the floor. In this way, when you sit in a car or train seat, your entire body receives sound waves and vibrations and feels comfortable.

By the way, what is recorded on this CD is the nostalgic sounds and environmental sounds associated with trains. These awaken the old memories in your subconscious. On top of that, lively music with a pop atmosphere will be added in a timely manner. Then, these stimuli will play a role in training your mind and body appropriately, and will lead to healthy days.


Doctor of Medicine Hiroshi Bando


Supervised by a doctor of medicine Train sleep-Music that sleeps with the train effect-

Deep Psychology

Music that makes you feel at ease as if you were on a train

  • Spotifyは - ブラックサークル
  • アマゾン - ブラックサークル
  • YouTubeの - ブラックサークル
  • iTunesの - 黒丸

The change in soundscapes and scenery caused by trains
Relax your mind and body.

The earth has wonderful nature and sounds, and humans have music.

The society in which people live has a beautiful landscape and a soundscape.

In this modern society, it can be said that everyone is constantly under all kinds of stress. In such a case, it would be good to take a little break from everyday life and heal the mind and body.


Railroad enthusiasts are familiarly called "railroad geeks", commonly known as "iron geeks". Among them, the taking iron (Toritsu) that takes pictures and the riding iron (Noritsu) that mainly rides are famous, but the sound iron that enjoys the sound of trains, home station information, melodies, announcements, etc. There is also (Ototetsu).


In the sound of trains, rattling noises and vibrations occur as you pass through the rail seams. This moderate stimulus has a soothing effect. Music has been used at various stations. There are airport chimes in Haneda and Shinagawa, "Blue Light Yokohama" in Yokohama, and "Akisakura" at Kurihama Station. If you ask each station nationwide, you will come across a moving song that is associated with various ties. Music is a friend of mine, please make good use of it to keep your mind and body healthy and lead to a happy life.

Doctor of Medicine Hiroshi Bando

Supervised by Doctor of Medicine Trelilla-Relax with train effect


Supervised by Doctor of Medicine Trelilla ~ Relax with the train effect ~

Brain fatigue improvement edition

Music that improves brain fatigue as if you were on a train

  • Spotifyは - ブラックサークル
  • アマゾン - ブラックサークル
  • YouTubeの - ブラックサークル
  • iTunesの - 黒丸

When you get on the train

Why is it strangely comfortable?

The answer is "fluctuation".

Fluctuation is a phenomenon in which irregularity is included in a regular rhythm. One example is the human heartbeat rhythm, which is almost regular, but the rhythm becomes slightly irregular due to breathing. In a healthy person, the nerves adjust delicately, so it fluctuates a little. On the contrary, there is no fluctuation in the rhythm emitted by the metronome and time signals.

In fact, the phenomenon of fluctuation exists in all things in the universe. Even in the natural world on earth, the waves and wind power of the sea that come and go, and the light that reflects off the surface of the water are not regular at all, but are slightly scattered. This is technically called "1 / f fluctuation", and f means fluctuation (fluctuation) and frequency (vibration). In music, analysis of classical music and Mozart's music shows 1 / f fluctuation, which has been regarded as the basis for feeling comfort and healing.

When you get on the train, every factor is involved.

In other words, almost regular sounds emitted from the joints of the rails, engine sounds and vibrations of the vehicle body, the force of acceleration felt by the body, vision to recognize spatial movement, various phenomena and sounds observed in the car, landscape, For example, soundscape.

Since each factor has fluctuations and has direct and indirect effects, it is thought that comprehensive healing is brought about.

Doctor of Medicine Hiroshi Bando


Supervised by Doctor of Medicine Trelilla ~ Relax with the train effect ~

Brain fatigue recovery

Music that improves brain fatigue as if you were on a train

  • Spotifyは - ブラックサークル
  • アマゾン - ブラックサークル
  • YouTubeの - ブラックサークル
  • iTunesの - 黒丸

Gatangoton on the rail

Why does the shaking calm down?

In recent years, the concept of "brain fatigue" has become known. It can be said that this is a state in which the autonomic nerves controlled by the brain do not function well.

The autonomic nerve is a nerve that controls the physical condition of oneself (Mizuka) well even if it is not conscious. The sympathetic nerve and the parasympathetic nerve, which have opposite effects, maintain a perfect balance. The sympathetic nerves activate the body during the day, while the parasympathetic nerves relax the body when resting at night.

When you get on the train, you sit in your seat or stand on a ring.

In any case, I'm not fighting from now on, but I'm calm and resting, and I'm in a state of parasympathetic dominance. At this time, if the rattling noise and vibration of the rails are regularly transmitted to the body, it will be just an appropriate stimulus. Similar to this scene is a medically relaxing situation. In other words, take a deep breath, stretch, listen to your favorite songs, relax and pensive, meditate, and so on. It is common with such behavior.

Integrative medicine and complementary and alternative medicine are now attracting attention around the world, including music therapy and meditation therapy. Multifaceted research on the mind and body is underway, and future development is expected.

Doctor of Medicine Hiroshi Bando


Supervised by a doctor of medicine Train sleep-Music that sleeps with the train effect


Supervised by a doctor of medicine Train sleep-Music that sleeps with the train effect-

Brain healing

Music that leads the brain to a healing world as if you were on a train

  • Spotifyは - ブラックサークル
  • アマゾン - ブラックサークル
  • YouTubeの - ブラックサークル
  • iTunesの - 黒丸

On the train

Why does sleepiness come when I notice it?

Humans have incorporated the origin of life into their genes since ancient times.

Life was once born in the sea. The kanji is sea = water + every. Plum = tree + every, and it is helpful that plums have grown and connected their lives with fruits that are descendants every year. The baby grows up in the mother's belly, wrapped in sea-like amniotic fluid. At that time, the fetal hearing is already functioning and it seems that it is already listening to the sounds of the outside world.

For example, when you're swimming in a pool, you can hear the surrounding sounds near the surface of the water. This is similar to a foetation in amniotic fluid, and you probably hear the mother's regular heartbeat and blood flow in the amniotic fluid. This old memory has been left in deep psychology for a long time. Therefore, when I hear the sound of the waves crashing on the beach at night, I feel nostalgic for some reason.

In fact, even as an adult, when you get on the train, the sound environment revives the memories you gained during the fetal period. It is thought that remembering the sense of security and comfort makes you feel comfortable and leads to drowsiness. As a reference event, it has been demonstrated that listening to the sound of the mother's heart in a sick child stops crying. It is already being used in childcare settings.

Doctor of Medicine Hiroshi Bando


Supervised by a doctor of medicine Train sleep-Music that sleeps with the train effect-

Brain rest

Music that brings your brain to rest as if you were on a train

  • Spotifyは - ブラックサークル
  • アマゾン - ブラックサークル
  • YouTubeの - ブラックサークル
  • iTunesの - 黒丸

The change in soundscapes and scenery caused by trains

Relax your mind and body.

The earth has wonderful nature and sounds, and humans have music.

The society in which people live has a beautiful landscape and a soundscape.

In this modern society, it can be said that everyone is constantly under all kinds of stress. In such a case, it would be good to take a little break from everyday life and heal the mind and body.

Railroad enthusiasts are familiarly called "railroad geeks", commonly known as "iron geeks". Among them, the taking iron (Toritsu) that takes pictures and the riding iron (Noritsu) that mainly rides are famous, but the sound iron that enjoys the sound of trains, home station information, melodies, announcements, etc. There is also (Ototetsu).

In the sound of trains, rattling noises and vibrations occur as you pass through the rail seams. This moderate stimulus has a soothing effect. Music has been used at various stations. There are airport chimes in Haneda and Shinagawa, "Blue Light Yokohama" in Yokohama, and "Akisakura" at Kurihama Station. If you ask each station nationwide, you will come across a moving song that is associated with various ties. Music is a friend of mine, please make good use of it to keep your mind and body healthy and lead to a happy life.

Doctor of Medicine Hiroshi Bando

Supervised by a doctor of medicine Training music-Music that becomes easier with the train effect


Supervised by a doctor of medicine Training music-Music that becomes easier with the train effect-

Brain break

Music that enjoys the feeling of riding a train and rests the brain

  • Spotifyは - ブラックサークル
  • アマゾン - ブラックサークル
  • YouTubeの - ブラックサークル
  • iTunesの - 黒丸

When you're on the train

Why do you feel calm ?

Are you always busy with work?

"Busy" is written as losing one's heart (busy = heart + death), and it also leads to forgetting important things (forgetting = death + heart). Sometimes it's a good idea to leave the world and go on a trip by train. You want to be free from the stress of everyday life and relax your mind and body.

In recent years, mindfulness has been attracting international attention.

This is a way of life that cherishes "now and this moment" and acts. In the West, it is a psychotherapy used in psychosomatic medicine, and in the East, it is a religious and meditation-like concept. As a practice, mindfulness meditation has also been practiced in medical and welfare settings. Specifically, we will get rid of the confusion and sharpen the senses of the five senses (hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch). It is important to accept as it is without making any judgment.

This training is actually possible without any special facilities or instructors. I decided to get on the train, recognize all the information that comes into my eyes and ears, and look straight at it. The natural scenery flowing out of the window and the sound scenery such as the sound emitted from the train are all accepted as they are. It is a training that calms the mind, calms the mind, and enhances oneself.

MD Hiroshi Bando

Supervised by a doctor of medicine Training music-Music that becomes easier with the train effect-

Brain music

Music that makes you enjoy the feeling of riding a train and make your brain happy

  • Spotifyは - ブラックサークル
  • アマゾン - ブラックサークル
  • YouTubeの - ブラックサークル
  • iTunesの - 黒丸

From the train experience

Life and the world expand

Czech composer Dvorak is famous as the originator of "Railway Nerd". He was active at the end of the 19th century and acted as a bridge between classical and pop music. Japanese poetry is attached to the second movement of the symphony of the representative song "From the New World", and it is familiar as "The sun has fallen on a distant mountain".

He has loved railroads since he was a child, and even when he was teaching at the Prague Music School, his lesson schedule was based on the railroad schedule. At the age of 51, I was invited as the director of the American Conservatory. After all, I agreed to be able to experience the latest railroads in the New World.

He liked the sound of trains running, remembered them with his ears, and used them in his songs. "Humoresque" (originally humor) was born as a casual collection of small pieces by summarizing the optimism written down in a distant foreign land during a vacation in your hometown. You can see how it starts with a relaxed rhythm and gradually increases in speed comfortably. Also, the contrast of the melody in the middle part that makes you feel the melancholy of Bohemia is wonderful.

One day, he noticed an anomaly in the running noise of the train and complained, "The rhythm is different from usual! Believe in my ears as a musician." In this way, the world expands from the episode of the train.

MD Hiroshi Bando


Supervised by Doctor of Medicine Train Sound Healing Series


Detailed explanation

Release date: June 9, 2021 (Wednesday)

Product number: CHCD-1184

Price: ¥ 1,980 (main unit ¥ 1,800-)

~ Music that sleeps with the train effect ~

Tre sleep

Out by train ... Virtually anytime, anywhere that comfortable experience that everyone has experienced!

This is the ultimate healing work that allows you to easily experience the comfort you feel when you are on the train.

The sound of the train and the music in a calm atmosphere create a blissful relaxing space.

A work supervised by Dr. Hiroshi Bando, a doctor of medicine. * Supervised text is posted in the booklet

Daily Sound Treatment | CROIX HEALING

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