Why do I often feel sleepy when I take the train?
I'm sure there are many people who have had the experience of falling asleep on a train, especially if it's a familiar train.
However, when you take an unfamiliar train, the view from the window and the atmosphere inside the train are different, so you feel uncomfortable.
According to Dr. Hiroshi Bando, a medical doctor.
The answer is "fluctuation". Fluctuation is a phenomenon in which irregularities are included in regular rhythms, and the phenomenon of fluctuation actually exists in all things in the universe.
In fact, the phenomenon of fluctuation exists in all things in the universe, and even in the natural world on earth, it is not regular at all, but rather varies slightly.
This is technically called "1/f fluctuation," where "f" stands for "fluctuation" and "frequency.
※Some excerpts
Virtual experience of the comfort and security you feel while riding a train

Supervised by Dr. Hiroshi Bando, M.D., the train music provides a virtual experience as if you are riding on a train with soothing music.
This series, which has various themes such as "Trellila - Relax with the Train Effect", "Treasleep - Music to Sleep with the Train Effect", and "Treleaku - Music to Relax with the Train Effect", is supervised by Dr. Bando, a medical doctor. It is also recommended for those who are tired and want to relax during their rest time.
Dr. Hiroshi Bando, a doctor of medicine, has commented on each work.
<Details of the work>
Title : M.D. Supervised Trellila - Relax with Train Effect - Brain Fatigue Improvement - Music to Improve Brain Fatigue with the Feeling of Riding a Train
Distribution Date :March 5, 2021 (Friday)
Why does riding the train make me feel strangely good?
The answer can be described as "fluctuation.
Fluctuation is a phenomenon in which irregularities are included in a regular rhythm. One example is the rhythm of the human heartbeat, which is almost regular but becomes slightly irregular with breathing. In a healthy person, it fluctuates somewhat due to subtle adjustments by the nerves. On the other hand, the rhythms produced by metronomes and time signals have no fluctuation at all.
In fact, the phenomenon of fluctuation exists in all things in the universe. Even in the natural world on earth, the waves of the ocean, the wind power, and the light reflected on the surface of the water are not regular at all, but vary slightly. This is technically called "1/f fluctuation," where "f" stands for "fluctuation" and "frequency. In music, 1/f fluctuation has been observed when analyzing classical music and Mozart's pieces, and has been considered as the basis for the feeling of comfort and healing.
When you ride a train, every factor comes into play.
That is to say, the almost regular sound emitted from the joints of the rails, the sound of the engine and the vibration of the train body, the force of acceleration felt by the body, the visual perception of spatial movement, various phenomena and sounds observed inside the train, the landscape, and the soundscape.
It is believed that each factor has a fluctuation and affects us directly or indirectly, thus bringing about healing in a comprehensive manner.
Hiroshi Bando, M.D.
<Details of the work>
Title : Medical Doctor Supervised Treasleep - Music to Sleep with Train Effect - Brain Healing Edition - Music to lead your brain to a world of healing with the feeling of riding a train
Release Date :March 5, 2021 (Friday)
Why is it that when I am on the train, I find myself falling asleep?
Humans have had the origin of life built into our genes since time immemorial. Life was once born in the sea. The Chinese character for "sea" is "water" and "every. Plum = tree + every, referring to the fact that the plum tree has nurtured and connected life by producing fruit, its offspring, every year. The baby grows up in the mother's belly, surrounded by amniotic fluid like the ocean. At that time, the fetus' hearing is already functioning, and it is already listening to the sounds of the outside world.
For example, when you are swimming in a pool, you can hear the sounds around you near the surface. This is similar to a fetus in amniotic fluid, and it is likely that you are listening to the regular heartbeat and blood flow of the mother in the amniotic fluid. This old memory is left behind in the deep psychology all the time. This is why hearing the sound of waves crashing on the beach at night somehow brings back nostalgic memories.
As a matter of fact, even as an adult, when you ride a train, the sound environment is said to bring back memories from your fetal stage. It is thought that remembering the sense of security and comfort makes us feel good, which leads to sleepiness. As a reference, it has been proven that listening to the sound of a mother's heartbeat stops crying in a fussy child. This is already being used in the field of childcare.
Hiroshi Bando, M.D.
<Details of the work>
Title : Music for Brain Rest - Music to Rest Your Brain and Enjoy the Feeling of Riding on a Train
Release Date :March 5, 2021 (Fri.)
Why do I feel calm when I am on a train?
Are you always busy with your work? The word "busy" is written as "lose your mind" (bushi = mind + decease), which can also lead to forgetting important things (forgot = decease + mind). Sometimes it is a good idea to get away from the mundane world and take a train trip. It's a great way to relax your body and mind, free from the stress of everyday life.
In recent years, the concept of mindfulness has been gaining attention internationally. It is a way of life in which we think and act in the present moment. In the West, it is a psychotherapy used in psychosomatic medicine, and in the East, it is a religious concept similar to meditation. As a practical method, mindfulness meditation has been practiced in the medical and welfare fields. Specifically, it involves getting rid of distractions and sharpening the five senses (hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch). It is important to accept things as they are, without judgment.
In fact, you don't necessarily need special facilities or instructors to do this training. Take a train and try to perceive and see all the information that comes into your eyes and ears as it is. The natural scenery outside the window, the sounds from the train, and other soundscapes are all accepted as they are. This is a great way to empty your mind, calm your mind, and improve yourself.
Hiroshi Bando, M.D.
<Details of the work>
Title : M.D. Supervised Trellila - Relax with Train Effect - Brain Fatigue Recovery Edition - Music to recover from brain fatigue with the feeling of riding a train
Distribution Date :March 26, 2021 (Friday)
Why is it that the rattling of the rails calms me down?
In recent years, the concept of "brain fatigue" has become well known. This is a condition in which the autonomic nervous system, which is controlled by the brain, is not functioning properly. The autonomic nervous system is a nerve system that regulates the body's own conditions even when we are not aware of it. The sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system, both of which have opposite effects, maintain a perfect balance. The sympathetic nervous system makes the body active during the day, while the parasympathetic nervous system relaxes the body when resting at night.
When you get on a train, you can either sit in your seat or stand holding on to the suspension wheel. In any case, you are not about to fight, you are resting quietly and in a state of parasympathetic dominance. At this time, the regular rattling sound and vibration of the rails is just the right amount of stimulation for your body. Similar to this situation is the medical situation of relaxing the body and mind. In other words, taking deep breaths, stretching, listening to your favorite music, relaxing in thought, meditation, and so on. These are common behaviors.
Integrative and complementary/alternative medicine is now gaining attention around the world, and this includes music therapy and meditation therapy. Multifaceted research on the mind and body is underway, and future developments are expected.
Hiroshi Bando, M.D.
<Details of the work>
Title : Medical Doctor Supervision Treasleep - Music to Sleep with Train Effect - Brain Rest - Music to lead your brain to rest with the feeling of riding a train
Release Date :March 26, 2021 (Fri.)
The change of soundscape and scenery by the train relaxes the body and mind.
The earth has wonderful nature and sound, and humans have music. The society we live in has a beautiful landscape and a soundscape. In today's modern society, we are all constantly bombarded with all kinds of stress. At such times, wouldn't it be nice to take a break from our daily lives and heal our bodies and minds?
Railroad enthusiasts are affectionately called "railroad geeks," or "Tetsuotas. Among them, the most famous are "toritetsu" (taking pictures) and "noritetsu" (riding trains), but there is also "ototetsu" (enjoying the sounds of trains, station announcements on platforms, melodies, announcements, etc.).
The rattling sound and vibration of the train is generated when it passes through the joints of the rails. This moderate stimulation has a soothing effect on people. Music has been used in various stations. Airport chimes are played at Haneda and Shinagawa, "Blue Light Yokohama" is played at Yokohama, and "Akizakura" is played at Kurihama Station. If you go to any station in Japan, you will probably come across songs that are related to various fates (enishi) and that will move your heart. Music is a friend to the soul, and I hope you will make good use of it to keep your body and mind healthy and lead a happy life.
Hiroshi Bando, M.D.
<Details of the work>
Title : Medical Doctor Supervised Treleaku - Music that makes you feel at ease with the train effect - Brain Music - Music that makes you enjoy the feeling of riding a train and makes your brain happy
Release Date :March 26, 2021 (Fri.)
Life and the world expand from the train experience.
The Czech composer Dvorak is famous as the originator of the "railroad geek," and was active at the end of the 19th century, helping to bridge the gap between classical music and pop music. He was active at the end of the 19th century and bridged the gap between classical music and pop music. The second movement of his most famous symphony, "From the New World," was written in Japanese and is popularly known as "The Sun Has Set on a Distant Mountain. At the age of 51, he was invited to be the Director of the American Conservatory of Music. Eventually, he agreed so that he could experience the latest railroad in the new continent.
He loved the sound of trains running, memorized it by ear, and used it in his music. While on vacation in his hometown, he compiled the ideas he had written down in a distant foreign land, and "Humoresque" (the word comes from humor) was born as a collection of casual pieces. The music begins with a slow rhythm and gradually picks up speed in a pleasant way. There is also a wonderful contrast in the melody of the middle section, which evokes the melancholy of Bohemia.
One day, he noticed an anomaly in the sound of the train running and said, "The rhythm is different from usual! Trust my ears, I'm a musician," he complained, and there was an episode where the defect was discovered and nothing serious happened. In this way, the world expands from the episode of the train.
Hiroshi Bando, M.D.
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【板東浩 先生 プロフィール】

徳島大学卒業、ECFMG資格取得後、米国でfamily medicineを臨床研修。専門領域はアンチエイジング、糖質制限、音楽療法、スポーツ医学など。アイススケート選手として国体出場(1999 ~ 2003)。第9回日本音楽療法学会大会長(2009)。第3回ヨーロッパ国際ピアノコンクール(EIPIC)in Japan銀賞(2012)。日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会大会長(2017、高松)。
板東先生 監修作品プレイリスト
あなたの 知らない意識 目覚める

板東浩先生によるコラム 公開中


