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What is the effect of Solfeggio 174Hz, a frequency that leads to mental stability?

The soothing sound of a glass harp will deliver Beethoven's masterpiece at the solfeggio frequency of 174 Hz, which will be celebrated 250 years after his birth in 2020.

The solfeggio frequency is said to have a pleasant feeling when you hear its sound, and to have a positive effect on the body and mind.

The solfeggio frequency, which is said to have a healing effect, has nine frequencies, among which 174Hz, which I will introduce here, is said to be effective in relieving physical and mental pain, stabilizing the mind, and bringing a sense of comfort when listening to it, which is said to have a positive effect on one's mind and body. In the field of natural medicine, it is called the frequency of stability among the "solfeggio frequencies" that are attracting attention.

On December 25, 2020, the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth in 2020, we began distributing his masterpieces at 174 HZ on iTunes, Spotify, and other distribution sites.

<Product Details>

Title: "Sleep Well! Beethoven - Solfeggio Glass Harp

Artist : Classy Moon

Distribution Date :November 25, 2020 (Friday)


☆Solfeggio works released by CROIX HEALING



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